I am a PostDoc at the Department of Economics at Copenhagen Business School where I completed my Ph.D. in economics in November 2022.

From September, I'll be joining WZB and Berlin School of Economics.

I'm an applied micro economist, and my research is primarily concerned with the mechanisms behind and implications of gender differences in labor market outcomes.

On this website you can read about my research and find my CV.

You can contact me on assl.eco@cbs.dk or follow me on Twitter @AnSoLassen.
My Google Scholar profile is here.


I’ll present our paper “Parenthood and Academic Career Trajectories” at the ASSA 2024 in San Antonio, Texas on January 5. A short version of the paper has been accepted to AEA Papers & Proceedings.

Our paper Gender gaps from labor market shocks is published in the August 2023 Volume of Labour Economics.

On March 8, I spoke about the value and distribution of unpaid labor and wrote about the costs of sexual harassment.